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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pickleball, Day Before Evaluation

Voice Projection is so much better! Keep it up!

Team Handball, Day Before College Observation

1:12 from end of warm-up to start of game, Great job!

Another possibility for a pre or post discussion is to talk about staying on the toes. A soccer player in class is always moving, even when he's not going anywhere. We had previously talked about the boy who always ball fakes.

First Game Day Volleyball

Very good job asking the students if they have questions. You can never do that too much! Also, ask the students to test their knowledge of the material you have presented.

Not a fan of three row volleyball. Another alternative to that is to have 6 on 6 with a three on three of the best players or 5 on 5 with a 4 on 4 of the most stellar players.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 3 Team Handball

Maybe we can look at getting the first two teams out on the court, keeping the rest on the side, and divvying up the remainder while the first game begins.

Not all closures are planned. One of the boys did a great job with ball faking. During closure, you can  point that out to further their gamesmanship.

The beginning of the game begins with a throw off, rather than a jump ball. That's fine if you do a jump, just let them know that's gym class rules.

Week 3 Pickleball

Make sure that the students understand the concept of the double bounce rule. It is tricky and unusual,  hence they will need a lot of reinforcement.

Although the kids were industrious, they should be encouraged to serve overhand and refrain from bouncing the ball before serving.

Week 3 Team Handball

Everyone in class today(no labs missing), always a challenge to give out equitable time.  That said, you'll get to know who is quite content to sit out.

This game is sure fun to watch when you have skilled kids that want to play.

It's great that this class for the most part sustains itself. The activity, the student make-up and your expectations have gone a long way.

Week 3 Volleyball

Good warm-up today, all students were self-directed and active.

Don't forget non-teaching duties, such as locker room.

Positioning is key in volleyball.  Constantly stress back row handling the serve and no balls dropping between the rows.

You were right on with your critique of the girl who wound up when she bumped.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Team Handball After Lunch

Another thing we can try to do with the tardy boys is to have them wait the longest to play.

Good spacing also with this group. They really get excited to play this game!

Your voice is getting louder!!!

Not sure how you're rotating, but it seems to be working well.

When you bring the students in for closure, have them put away the equipment first.  1-2 minutes is generally good. Often, telling them they'll go in as soon as you finish your speech will help the kids to put away the equipment faster.

Team Handball

Continue to strive to get the students playing as rapidly as possible at the beginning of class. The transition time between games was very good today.

I heard you encourage the players to keep their spacing, which is great.

Volleyball Serving

Though you're absolutely correct about the push-ups, be careful with your admonishment, especially since you're new. Kids this age can be highly sensitive.

Again, always think evaluation points when you're teaching a skill, and then follow up relentlessly.

I might, with that amount of students, consider consolidating that game to one net. That leaves you space to perhaps bring some students who need work, to an empty net.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Try and get the students out sooner. I was out of earshot, so I'm not quite sure what was addressed to the class.

This class is playing so much better.  Maybe you gave them a pep talk?

You use your whistle judicially.  That is important and a lot of new teachers go crazy with the whistle.  Of course, the students turn it out after awhile.

Pickleball Volleying

Keep the students up on the non-volley zone.

Make sure they're clear about one bounce or volley.

Use words and phrases like, "block," "catch the ball on the paddle," etc., so they can understand that a swing is not always necessary.

Racket position is also important in that it should be up in a neutral position and not down below the waist and/or to either side.

Team Handball

Great idea to have some of the students dribble the ball during warm-ups. If you can pull that off, great. Unfortunately, in practice as you found out, the dribble ball becomes the shot or thrown ball.

You did a great job getting the game going quickly.

The students that are not playing shouldn't have access to the equipment. I'd put behind the opposite bleacher.

2nd Day of Overhead Pass

Since track is one of your strengths, feel free to inject your knowledge into the warm-ups. PE teachers often give students things to do with no follow-up. I follow the notion that there is always teaching to be done, particularly with the dynamic warm-up.

One of the biggest issues with volleyball skills has nothing to do with the arms. Students try to reach too much, rather than getting under the ball.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

After lunch Team Handball

When students ask you a  question in close quarters, if it's relevent to the whole class, repeat the question.

I like the rule adjustment where the students can go inside the three point line, unless they're shooting. That was a good adjustment for this period.

Two girls in particular, were yoked and should be separated. I'm sure you gave them positions.

Pickleball, second day

A good check point for a forehand drive is to have them touch beyond the opposite shoulder with the paddle. Check points are important for evaluation and this is one readily observed.

When kids have to wait to play, I'd have them always sit facing the action.

When you're doing a mass substitution, I'd get everyone's attention and make sure they leave the rackets and balls on the floor.

As you become skilled at teaching striking skills, you'll definitely feel more comfortable in passing on key landmarks that you're looking for and evaluating the students with respect to those landmarks.

Sometimes, it's not enough to tell the students to follow through. Landmarks and checkpoints may be needed.

2nd Day Team Handball

As long as we have enough, I really like the idea of the stand up mats.

Loved how you put out the pinnies for the students, which I need to get better at. What really impressed me is how you put them into the positions and put the players into the positions, giving the a better understanding of their role and space within which they work.

Be careful when students are sitting in the line of fire behind the goal. Students should have strict parameters about where they sit.

2nd Day of teaching, volleyball 1st period.

Yesterday, I hope you saw two things over the course of the day. One, most classes have a unique personality, which is exacerbated even more with the different lab days. Second, how you teach a lesson at the end of the day may be markedly different than the beginning of the day.
Normally, we hit towards the dividers, to avoid an aerial assault on the middle of the floor. I like that you changed that, with the presence of the net, for court awareness reasons.
Good correction to remind the students to continue to drill with two hands and not one.
Some of the breakdowns in skills can be helped by merely having the students move closer.
It is a good idea to have the students catch a bad ball, when drilling, so they don't emphasize bad habits when hitting.  There is a time to practice bad ball hitting, I don't know if it's 9 grade PE.
As you get to know the kids, you can use a mature, skilled student to sometimes assist special needs students,  They may even relish the role.

Team Handball 3rd session

Liked the intro to the warm-up. Concise is best.
Surprised that this class would be the one where the boys were shooting baskets with the handball.
If game is stale, shake up the lineups, as you eventually did.
Although we don't have a strict clock for PE team handball, keep the students moving during game. 
If they are bunched up, have them freeze and move them to various strategic locations.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Pickleball after lunch with challenging class

The boys that didn't do the warm-up can be called on that. Either with direct challenge, but certainly, I would make them wait to play if they hadn't warmed up.
Despite the behavioral issues in this class, they do like to compete.  Use that to your advantage, although their avoidance of the warm-up needs to be addressed. I was really looking forward to them trying that.
There can be a case made for keeping students with control issues in the game as much as possible. When they are occupied, they are less likely to be behavioral issues. As long as it doesn't impact on others' playing time.

Pickleball, 1st day of teaching

Make sure you are continually directing your voice to the biggest volume of the room, using the most advantageous position.
Unfortunately, when partners are throwing balls to each other for drilling, care has to be taken so that the throws are effective. I find sometimes I have to stop class for that as much as for general skills discussion. I've tried to impress upon the students myself about the importance of a good throw, sometime to no avail.
Also, with regards to throwing to the partners, make sure they step to the correct foot when they throw. Hopefully, there'll be carryover to forehand shots.
Make sure the students know whether you will rotate them or give them a specific number upon which they'll switch roles. I used to announce switches. I've gone to letting the students count and switch.
Students need to hear the importance of  the hips and legs with throwing and striking movements. Draw parallels with other similar movements.
With mass substitutions, make sure that all students have played, by asking those sitting out.

Team Handball, first day of teaching

Pretty good job of getting students in teams and organized for the lead up.

I'm sure you saw pretty quick that with end line team handball, it'd be a good idea to not let the students dribble to the end line. Instead they should pass.

If kids get bunched , don't be afraid to stop and freeze them, so they can be aware of positioning.
Always a good idea to stop game and reset expectations or rules, which you did here.

As I've found out, make sure the students pick someone to guard, with the caveat that they don't necessarily have to guard the same person that is guarding them.

Sometimes, a minimum pass requirement will help with the flow of the game. Caution should be taken against students who will pass the ball to another from a minimal distance.

Good job with both classes for pulling the kids in for a closure.

Volleyball 1st Day

Great idea to draw on your military training for a warm-up.

Good circulation around the perimeter of the room, try and move to the interior, as well.

Voice projection for the warm-up is good, still needs to improve overall when activity is stopped.

Have the students hold the balls still while you are talking.  They'll always want to bounce or pretend they're "Globetrotters," with a ball in their hands.

If you have the whole gym, use it.   Most of the kids were on one side of the gym.

Specific feedback to volleyball drills

Students will set/bump and catch for a surprisingly long amount of time.  Your inclusion of three drills was good.

Since the nets were up, utilize them for students having an awareness of height and distance needs for their passes.

Simple feedback for contact is having little or no rotation on the ball for setting.  Also utilize sounds for feedback, make a big deal if you like the sound of a set or bump pass.

Some common volleyball mistakes were evident.
  1.  Unless they are very seasoned or athletic, keep the kids on the ground, usually for setting, always for bumping.
  2. Students often extend their arms too soon. I point out to them that this leaves merely the wrists for power.
  3. Some also do not extend.  Have them freeze at the end of their skill and have them adjust.